Domain Regiration Services in Chandigarh
We understand that searching a perfect domain name is a tough task, we at CQP help our clients to opt for accurate domain name. CQP helps not only in Domain registration company but help is also extended to client in managing domain in an effective and convenient way.
Domain registration is crucial to add value to the website because with time website design and looks can change but the domain of website always remain same. For the companies who are doing online marketing and business, domain is the big asset of the company as it increases visibility of the company on internet.
For common person, domain name is the address and location of company on the internet. We have team of experienced professionals who help clients with domain registration and various types of technical help & support to our clients.
We offer Linux web hosting services, managing email accounts, FTP access, wordpress support, shared hosting, virtual private servers, dedicating hosting, 24hours server support, cloud hosting, manage hosting, colocation.
Web hosting is simply buying space on web server for the storage of web file and data it means whenever user enter the domain name of website they will be directed to the particular website.
Website development and designing is simply one task, the other task is getting it hosted on server so that it is accessible to the users.
We not only develop and design website but also provides services of domain registration and web hosting.